Reconnective Healing with Annette
Firstly, thank you for clicking on to my website ! Great to meet you.
My name is Annette Parry , I have a practice in my beautiful and welcoming healing room. Set in the peaceful village of Uphill, Weston-Super-Mare in the heart of Somerset England, about 20 miles from Glastonbury on the cost of the severn Estuary.
Junction 21 off the M4 ,By Railway, On Bus route
What is Reconnective Healing
Reconnective healing® workѕ rapidlу and gеnеrаllу rеquirеѕ up to 3 ѕеѕѕiоnѕ for a hеаling ѕеquеnсе, although additional sessions mау bе necessary. It is a touch free procedure wherein a practitiоnеr does nоt "ѕеnd" the energy, as in other energy healing practices. They "ѕеnѕе" it, thus bесоming a саtаlуѕt fоr the hеаling to tаkе plасе and prоviding life-enhancing benefits.
Thеѕе energies аrе initiаtеd аt thе bеginning оf a session аnd соntinuе to wоrk with оnе long аftеr thе ѕеѕѕiоn ends. Clients are fоrеvеr сhаnged after a ѕеѕѕiоn, оpеrаting at and аttunеd to a higher frequencу thаn еvеr bеfоrе. These frеquеnсiеѕ can help ѕhift uѕ to a higher level оf соnѕсiоuѕnеѕѕ аnd a highеr level оf being.
Reconnective Healing® (RH) founded by Dr. Eric Pearl, is believed to be a life-changing experience that is about rebalancing which, without physical touch, restores the personal energy balance of the recipient. The Reconnective healing frequencies connect with your personal energy field, raising it. Promoting wellbeing at all levels restoring their original natural state. Benefits may manifest in an emotional, physical, spiritual or psychological level. Clients often say they feel a state of bliss.
How does it work
Science shows Reconnective healing works on a cellular level , electromagnetic signals, Heart beat measured with an ECG synchronises with the clients brain wave measured with EEG (electroencephalogram)
Whether or not the client was aware of receiving energy their brain showed the same responses. So it can be said that the brain responds unconsciously and detects energy the same way.
According to DR.Gary Schwartz the conclusions of these experiments conclude,” energy is actually real, detectable, measurable and quite evident”
Study conducted by Dr.Glen Rein
Study of the impact of Reconnective healing on Human DNA
The DNA was shocked with heat and electricity and the helix uncoiled , using a spectrophotometer. Using Reconnective healing the DNA recovered and rewound faster than other forms of energy healing, Reiki, Johrei, Jin sin .
With Reconnective healing furthermore there was clear evidence the DNA actually corrected some of the inherent or pre excising defects in the DNA sample. This confirms Reconnective healing is different and has a different impact on DNA levels helping to restore damaged DNA.
This is some of the many studies that have been done and written about , the amazing effects Reconnective healing has on us humans
Find out much more from the book Science confirms Reconnective healing 2012.
Our Services
Reconnective Healing
Reconnective Healing is about rebalancing which, without touching, restores the personal energy balance of the recipient.The Reconnective healing frequencies connect with your personal energy field, raising it. Promoting wellbeing at all levels restoring their original natural state. Benefits may manifest in an emotional, physical, spiritual or psychological level. Clients often say they feel a state of bliss.
The frequencies continue long after the Reconnective healing has been facilitated. Suitable for people of all ages and animals too !
One to three sessions for optimal restoration of one's energy balance.
Reconnective Healing Sessions at a distance
Distance Healing sessions are as effective as in person sessions. The beauty of this healing is that unlike other healing modalities Reconnective healing is not diminished, it can actually be stronger at a distance. Suitable when a client is unable to travel, the client can rest after the facilitation is complete.
We will set a convenient time and date , and take payment . find somewhere comfortable to lie in your chosen space, a quiet room , no distractions. Just let go enjoy the experience, you will feel the energy frequencies as I facilitate them from here . we are all connected, a bit like bluetooth !
I will text or call you after to debrief you and take notes of your observations, you can rest afterwards in your own space, have a drink. Healing continues long after the session.
It an be a good solution for children, animals, and for those in hospital or nursing homes
Personal Reconnection
The frequencies of reconnective healing and acts at a cellular level through a complex and precise procedure in two sessions. Reconnecting the energetic grid of the body, meridian lines, to the ley lines of the planet and the universal dimensions of time and space.
Those who receive it will be reconnected to a system of infinite intelligence, to their original vibration, their true self. This triggers improvements in their life path, enhancing talents, intuition, mediumship, with less fear, less stress and external conditioning. Many therapists find this valuable.
Personal reconnection takes place face to face in two sessions, the second session must take place within 3 days, the first ideally the following day .
This is a conscious decision, life changing.